
Thursday, May 12, 2016

10 Factors Affecting Consumer Expectations

Many believe that the expectations of the customers determine the quality of products (goods and services) as well as customer satisfaction. This customer expectations behind why the two companies rated berneda by customers. In the context of customer satisfaction, generally expect a pelangga confidence in what they will receive. According to Zeithaml, et al. (1993) there bebeapa factors that affect customer expectations of them

1.Enduring Service Intensifiers
These factors are factors that are stable and encourage peningktan sensitivity to customers for goods or services. These factors can include others and personal philosophy tehadap services. A customer is entitled to a good waiter anyway if another customer got good service by providers. The philosophy of the individual when a bank customer about how the delivery of services that really will determine her hopes for the bank.

2.Personal Needs
Someone needs that are considered fundamental for kesejagteraannya also considered a determining aka expectations. These needs include physical, social and psychological.

3.Transitory Service Intensifier
Factors which are individual factors that are temporary or short-term increases the sensitivity of customers to the service. The following factors:

In emergency situations when customers memembutuhkan services and the company wants to help him. For example, when we are in a traffic accident, and we want car insurance to help us in repairing the damage suffered by our cars.
Last services received or consumed by the customer can be a good or bad benchmark services to be received next.
4.Percevied Service Alternatives
A customer's perception or thought to the level or degree of service similar companies. Such customers buy at the supermarket A, surely he would have the perception that in buying at the supermarket B has different services whether it is better or worse. If consumerism nmempunyai many alternatives, then the expectation of the services likely to be.

5.Self-Perceived Service Rules
This factor is the customer perception of keterlibatanya in affecting the service or services that will be received. If the consumer is involved in the provision of services and the services it receives less good then the customer will not entirely blame the service provider.

Factors 6.Situational
These factors consist of any kemungkianan that can affect the performance of services, beyond the control or control providers. As an example of service at the bank, at a certain moment the bank will be met by the customer so that the customer will be queued and waiting in a long time. This will result in reduced levels of pelanyanan minimum that will be received, but this is only temporary because this time is also not one of the service providers which in this case is the bank.

7.Explicit Service Promises
This factor is a promise or statement (personal and non-personala) of the company to the consumer. This can be in the form of advertising, personal selling, agreement, or communication with the employees of the company.

8.Implicit Service Promises
This factor concerns the instructions relating to services, which provide a conclusion to the customer about the service and how it should be provided. Instructions provide a description of this service include the price and supporting equipment services.

9.Worth of Mouth (recommendation or advice of others)
Dikemukan an opinion whether personal or non-personal delivered by someone other than the organization or company to the customer. These factors are usually more readily accepted because people who deliver it are people who can be trusted as experts, friends, neighbors, and relatives. Besides, this factor was quickly accepted because of the difficulty to evaluate the customer service of goods or services that have not been used.

10.Past Experience
As in the sense of its past Indonesian experiene a past experience that can include things that have been studied customers of the services provided to it in the past.

Well that was 10 factors that can influence the expectations of consumers towards your products. With these factors are expected to know 10 you can maintain and even improve the performance to match the high expectations of your customers. See you again in the next article.