
Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to Model Customer Satisfaction?

Now these theories and models of satisfaction is very varied, and also when it is still evolving so that there is no consensus regarding the models and theories are most effective. Theory and this model will allow us to read the level of customer satisfaction Although there is still no agreement on the model and the theory of the most effective yet each company has used models and theories are considered the best. As for some of the concepts or models that are often found or used (Pawwitra, 1993), namely:cara membuat email

 1.Teori Microeconomics In economic theory, the basis of which will be used by a consumer in the allocation of scarce resources is where the comparison between kegunaaan marginal and price of each product will be the same. In a market that is not terdiferensi, all consumers will pay the same price, and individuals who are willing to pay higher or expensive would benefit from subjective called consumer surplus. The consumer surplus is essentially the difference in consumer satisfaction derived when eating or using the item with the price or payment that must be paid to obtain such goods. It can be concluded that the greater the consumer surplus, the greater the customer satisfaction as well as vice versa. However,

there are still fundamental differences between the concept of consumer surplus with customer satisfaction, because the concept of consumer surplus only consider the quantity and price, without memepertimbangkan some asapek such as quality, service, packaging and other products consumed by the customer or jasayang. With some of these considerations the concept of consumer surplus in micro theory still can not be said to be a concept of customer satisfaction. 2.Perspektif Psychology of Customer Satisfaction As for the psychological perspective there are two models keuapasan customers, namely: cognitive a.Model As

sessment of this model is based on customer penelaian to the difference between a set of combination of attributes that are ideally suited for the individual and his perception of the actual combination of attributes. So it can be concluded that this cognitive model ideks kepusan measured by the differential between the customer who wants to be realized by customers into buying a product in the form of goods or services and what actually itawarkan by customers. In this model of customer satisfaction can be achieved in two main ways. First, change according to the company's offerings ideal. Second, to convince the customers or consumers that the ideal was not necessarily correspond to reality. As for the cognitive model is quite common models

, namely:peluang usaha The Expectancy Disconfirmation Model Based on this model, customers' satisfaction is influenced by two variables kogntif, namely prepurchase expectations) is the belief that the anticipated performance of a product or service and disconfirmation is peebadaan between expectations prior to purchase and after purchase. There were three votes in this model, the first performance of the product exceeds the expected both product performance equal to our expectations, the third worse product performance or lower than expected. equity Theory In this theory one's satisfaction is measured by the ratio of the results obtained compared with the inputs used, perceived fair or unfair. Or it can be said that people would mersasa satisfied if the benefits to the same products with the benefits gained by others.

 Attribution Theory In this theory terrdapat 3 causes that will make the success or failure of an outcome, so we can say it memuasakan a purchase or not. The three causes are: Stability Locus of casuality controllability b.Model Affective Model affective states that the assessment of the customer or consumer of the goods or services are not solely based on calculations rasioanal, but also based on the subjective needs, aspirations and experiences. The focus of this affective models put emphasis on the level of aspiration, learning behaviors, emotions, specific feelings, moods. The presence of this focus aims to be able to describe and measure the level of satisfaction in a time series.bisnis rumahan

3.Konsep Customer Satisfaction in TQM Perspective Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach in running the business or businesses that are trying to maximize the competitiveness of companies melalaui the continuous improvement of the products, services, tbs, processes and environment. In this TQM is a quality improvement strategy and oriented to customer satisfaction by involving all members of the company. The main basis of the TQM approach is the quality of the organization is determined by the customer. Well that was some concept or model of customer satisfaction that can be applied. May be useful and I'll see in the next article.