
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ways to Measure Customer Satisfaction

Monitoring and measurement of this satisfaction is very important for a company, this can memeberikan feedback and input for development purposes and as an implementation strategy to increase customer satisfaction. Because customer satisfaction has now become a top priority for companies that want to win a business competition.

In part of this article will discuss a few different methods and techniques to measure customer satisfaction.usaha rumahan 1.Metode Customer Satisfaction Measurement According to Kotler, et al., (1996) there are four methods for measuring customer satisfaction. The method used to measure the level of customer satisfaction with a product, namely: a. The system of complaints and suggestions Each organisanasi that has orinetasi on the customer needs to provide the widest opportunity to customers to submit suggestions, opinions and complaints they terdahap our products.

As for the media that can be used to accommodate the buyer's complaints and suggestions may be a suggestion box that can be placed at strategic places, card suggestions that can be charged directly or sent by post, or through your phone line bebes pulse. Information obtained from these suggestions and complaints can be made of new ideas and enter valuable for the company, so the company will be in action with a quick response and to overcome the problems that exist.

But this method is passive, because we did not get a complete picture of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, while not all dissatisfied customers submit complaints about our products. Because most customers are not satisfied they immediately chose to leave the products are considered not match their expectations and move the product to another. So it is difficult to get good advice from this method.

Moreover, if the company does not specifies the reciprocal and follow-up to those who have given ideas to other companies meraka surely be disappointed and may decide to move the product. In this method the need for the activity of the company to memeberikan appreciation of those who have contributed their ideas.Manajemen

 b. Ghost Shopping Ghost Shopping is one way to gain an overview of customer satisfaction by employing a few people (ghost shopper) to become or act as a buyer or potential customers the company's products and the company's competitors. Then they give you a report on the strengths and weaknesses of competitors' products, and Performance Management based on the experience they purchase and consume these products.

In addition ghost shopper has a duty to observe how the company and its competitors to serve the demand of customers, answering customer questions and respond to any customer complaints. After that the company will evaluate all existing findings and immediately fix it. Usually this role is carried out ghost shopping manager unnoticed by his subordinates so that the manager can observe for themselves how karyawanya face of the consumer, so that he can evaluate the performance of the employee.

 c. Lost Customer Analysis In this method the company should call the customer who has ceased to be a buyer or supplier who have moved in order to understand why these customers are moving or stopped, and in order to take policy or further refinement. By doing so the company can find the right solution so that these customers to buy products from our company again.Peluang Bisnis

 d. Customer Satisfaction Survey Has been much research on customer satisfaction surveys conducted by penelitaian, either by mail, telephone or personal interview. Through a survey the company will determine the response and feedback directly from the customers and give good marks to the customer that the company is always memperhatian customers. It also provides advantages for companies to understand what is cool by pelanggannnya.

 2. Customer Satisfaction Measurement Techniques We've mentioned before that the survey method is the best method digunaan in customer satisfaction measurement. The technique can be used to measure the level of customer kepuaan, namely: Respondents or customers were questioned about the large sebarapa their expectations for a particular product and how great they feel after using the product.

Customers are asked to write down the problems encountered related to the company's offer and also asked untukmenuliskan perbaiaan-improvement against their advice. Respondents are expected to rank the elements of the offer according to the degree of interest elenmen and how well the company is working on each of these elements.

This measurement dsapat done directly with questions such as "how satisfied are you with the services PT Rocket Management on the following scale: very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied".cara membuat facebook Because of the current measurement technique is still ongoing satisfaction megalami developments, this mengakibatakan no aggreement on how to measure the level of customer satisfaction. Therefore, artifacts variety of measurement techniques good level of customer satisfaction from the simple to the very complex.

Just how the needs and accuracy that will be needed by companies to measure customer satisfaction. The measurement technique itself can use statistical methods including regression analysis, correlation, ANOVA, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, factorial analysis, and conjoint analysis. That was the article about the different ways of telling measure customer satisfaction daat hopefully helpful, see you in the next article, thanks.